Photon Physics Limited is a consulting company providing advisory and related services to the radiation protection industry in New Zealand and Australia. Photon Physics’ company director is Dr Johnny Laban.

Johnny completed his PhD in solid state physics at the University of Canterbury in 1994, and for the subsequent 21 years worked for the National Radiation Laboratory (NRL), now known as the National Centre for Radiation Science (NCRS), based in Christchurch, New Zealand.
He initially worked in the Diagnostic Radiology group, performing regulatory audits of radiology facilities, and undertaking project work related to radiation protection in diagnostic radiology. After four years, he moved to the Standards and Calibrations group where he was ultimately responsible for the operation of the radiation calibration facility, and reference dosimetry audits of radiotherapy centres throughout New Zealand.
Johnny has worked closely with the medical physics community in New Zealand over the last two decades, and through his various professional roles at NRL/NCRS, is well known and respected in the industry. He has been recruited by the International Atomic Energy Agency as an expert lecturer for workshops on personal dosimetry in Japan and China, is an active member of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM), and is a technical assessor for the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) in the field of ionising radiation metrology. He is currently the ACPSEM NZ branch radiation protection spokesperson, and was previously an International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) authorised signatory for the NRL/NCRS personal dosimetry service.
If you would like to contact Johnny, you can email him using the format "his first name" "at" photonphysics.co.nz (actual email avoided here as an anti-spambot measure).